PhD Manuscript
Olympio Hacquard. From topological features to machine learning models: a journey through persistence diagrams. [PDF] (2023)
Peer-reviewed publications
Olympio Hacquard, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Gilles Blanchard, Clément Levrard and Wolfgang Polonik. Topologically penalized regression on manifolds. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(161):1−39. [PDF]. (2022).
Patrick Cattiaux, Fanny Delebcque and Olympio Hacquard. Some flocking properties for a model of collective dynamics with topological interactions. Communications in Mathematical Sciences [PDF] (2024).
Olympio Hacquard and Vadim Lebovici. Euler characteristic tools for topological data analysis. Journal of Machine Learning Research 25(240):1−39, 2024. [PDF] (2024).
Michael Etienne Van Huffel, Olympio Hacquard, Vadim Lebovici, Matteo Palo. Discrete transforms of quantized persistence diagrams. ALENEX 25. [PDF] (2024).
Olympio Hacquard, Gilles Blanchard and Clément Levrard. Statistical learning on measures: an application to persistence diagrams. arXiv:2303.08456. [PDF] (2023).
Olympio Hacquard, Etienne Lasalle, Vadim Lebovici. Challenge Mathematics-Enterprise (1st place). Pedestrians trajectory reconstruction, Eurecam company. [PDF] (2021).